Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Week and Happy New Year!

Christmas was great! It was so great to see all of you! This week was fun! We had the mission Christmas activity and we did secret Santa in the zone. I got I giant flounder fish from The Little Mermaid and I had asked for typical things from they gave me tortillas, and other stuff but I thought it was rather creative! We had 4 or 5 Christmas dinners, I cant remember, I just remember lots of tamales! The rest of the week we practiced for the mission Christmas activity we had. We had a talent show, they gave us a quiz on Preach my Gospel, and we ate lunch and watched a movie! It was fun. For our talent we first did an act to a song, I did a cartwheel and then we made a movie. So when you get trained they have these movies you have to watch called The these movies everything is perfect...I imagine how Rach´s mission is, haha but anyway we did our own district but Guatemalan style, it was fun.I hope you all are doing well! Happy New Year!

Did I tell you this experience that I had that Rach will probably not have the opportunity to have?  It is about the drunk on the street, he asked if I was from the states, I said no I was from Africa, he asked me why I was white, I told him because Africa has white people and asked him if he wanted to hear the African language, he did, so I did some tongue clicking, he thought I was amazing!

That's about all that's going on here. Our ward starts meeting at 8 A.M. next week so that's a bummer but yeah other than that things are good and normal! I love you!

Celebrate Christmas Guatemalan Style

Me and Flounder for Christmas

Monday, December 23, 2013

Mostly pictures. 16 down and 2 to go!

Look at this PIG!

My generation! My kids, grand kid and great grand kid
Hermana Hurtado,ME, Hermana Peguero, then my grandkid, Hermana Goddard and my ggk is Hermana Page 

 The only way the celebrate anything here!

We did some painting!

Feliz Navidad!

Big tree!

 I ate pig this week, did divisiones and went to a party while there and got a present! I had a meeting for Hermana Líderes, we had a big stake choir performance and a baptism! She is so cute our convert! And we sang at the hospital!

Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16

Nothing much exciting this week, except I painted a house, did divisions and went to the temple!

Question and answer period!
1.So have you started doing your 12 days of Christmas? Are you reading the scripture and trying to figure the gift out before opening them? How are your guesses? 
Yes I started the 12 days of Christmas and thus far I'm a pretty good guesser except this morning I got tripped up but that wasn't my fault, I read the scripture in Spanish and the word is different but good thing I know the scriptures in Spanish and English!
2. What is your favorite food there?
 absolutely love fried plantains with this special cheese they have or cream and beans. I also like carne asada.  and hot chocolate and sweet bread that they have that doesn't exist in the states, but I'm talking to a member here who is going to teach me how to do it!

3. Any idea of when you will get to Sykpe? And where will you do it from?
I will Skype Christmas day from the computer of my ward mission leader, just tell me what time and the name I should call!

4. How is your BEST friend doing since her Baptism?
She is great! We went to the temple this week with her, I did a session and she did baptisms and she told me once she stepped into the temple all her pains just went away! It was awesome!

5. Do you have any desire to go back after you come home? I guess some Hermana that recently came home is there right now with her Mother.
Yeah I would like to come back and visit one day, especially for a couple families here in this area and to visit the ruins, since I wont have a chance right now.

Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm Losing my Hair!

My week was good! This week my best friend here in the area finally got baptized! This day is supposedly called the day to burn the devil, so she felt it was appropriate to get baptized this day! It was great, we are hoping to go to the temple with her and her son this Friday!!! Tuesday we had a super long Meeting of leaders! But things are now all planned for Christmas and I have my flight plans! I get in at 4:15 pm 20th of Feb! Yesterday we went to an area that is part of our area but the elders only go there cause it is far, but I decided I'd go! It was a good time! Then we got back and watched the devotional! It was nice to relax and listen to the prophets!  I watched fireworks last night after the devo. They do fireworks for Christmas here! I really have nothing else exciting to report on! I am sorry I am boring! 

Question and Answers:

1. How often do you have to speak in Sacrament Meeting or Teach at church?
 In this area, rarely, I have only spoke 2 times. In my first areas we had to teach gospel principles every week
2. How do you feel your Spanish is?
 I feel like I can always improve, but I can get along, it is not as good as others but my Spanish isn't the worst either
3. What would you still like to accomplish while there?
idk, I want to better my Spanish and just keep going to the end
4. HAS your Christmas package come yet?
Yes I got the package! You are so cute! I am assuming the other stocking is for my comp!
5. What do you think you will buy for the Latina/os? Do you have enough money?
I have no idea what to buy them, maybe candy or bracelets for the girls. Idk
6. Do you want to Skype on Christmas or is that too hard for you?
Yeah we will Skype Christmas...we only have an hour this year :( How can I skype Rachy poo?)

oh and what do i do!? my hair is falling out?! Another Hermana here wanted to straighten my hair so we did it, and on parts she used a real iron!! bad idea and so now it is falling out, I have like the hair of a normal person now...I'm freaking out! I will not let her near my hair again, that was already established, but I might come home looking like daddy

The Neighbor's tree

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2 The BUTT of A Turkey is disgusting!

I didn't murder the turkey but it was so gross I'd rather not cook another one! I was waiting for my Zone Leader to come so he could stick his hand up the turkey's butt because I had no desire to do that, but he didn't show, he was busy preaching the lame! Anyway so I made my comp do it but I did the rest and it turned out delicious and everyone loved it! It was a Thanksgiving miracle! 
I'm glad you are treating the sisters good. This morning this woman in our ward and her daughters did the sweetest thing of my life. Last night she asked me to stop by this morning, so we did, and she was like we have a surprise for you, we are going to do a mini spa for you here in the house. They gave us pedicures and foot massages, the little girls told me they wanted to do it because I have sacred feet! Then they served us breakfast, it was so sweet!
No my ZL don't read my emails, but one of them is writing Rach so he is reading hers..hahahah!
I didn't have changes, so things are about the same for me, but I might be the only sister leader here in the zone...I'm not sure. It isn't that hard be a Sister Leader, mostly the ZLs do stuff, I just take numbers and do divisions, which I love! This week was fun for changes and for Thanksgiving and our Relief Society had a Stake activity where they showed all the things they learned this year and did Acts. They presented cakes I had taught them, so that was fun! 

When told that cooking a Turkey wasn't that horrible and next time here in the states she could cook just a breast, she responded:

ok that's what I'll do, or I'll just go with you guys and Aunt Linda will do it!

I CANNOT put my hand in there!

Got My Candy Advent Calendar!

Monday, November 25, 2013

A day in my Life

Specifically Tuesday 11/19/13

5 am....wake up then throw a pillow at my comp to wake her up
530.... go to the gym with a member and the elders. We tried doing tai bo, but I think I got more of a work out trying to watch the elders do it
7....put water on the stove to heat up so I can shower with hot water, eat breakfast, get ready
8....Study the scriptures personally. Right now Im reading the New Testament and I studied the Atonement
9....Study with my comp. We sing a hymn, read the white bible (Missionary Rule Book) and share what we studied.
10.....We usually have District meeting, but today we had a zone meeting to think of what goals our zone wants to set for the next year. Every month we want to baptize 20 people with 6 families, that is 240 with 72 for the next year. We want to retain at least 60 percent and reactivate 48 people every 3 months and help 26 youth go on the mission... I hope they complete it cause well I wont be here.
1.....WE go lunch and we wait an hour because it wasn't ready, so we help and talk to her kids and just gain their love. I am maybe in a competition with one of the elders in our ward to be the favorite of this member....lets just say I am winning
3....We start our fast because tomorrow a member of the 70, Elder Amado is going to come and President wants us all to fast. 
We go and visit a member who is trying to prepare to go to the temple, so we are teaching her about that.
4...We past by all of our appointments but no one is home and no one wants to let us in to contact. 
6....We go to a members house and their grandson who is super inactive just happens to be there so we go in a teach him a little about church and the Book of Mormon
7....We are singing in Stake Conference, so we go to practice with the ward
8...We go home and when I walk in the gate of our apt complex my 2 year old neighbor come running to me yelling ¨krueger! Krueger!´´ and kisses me. then we  plan
10...My district leader calls and I give dats and then I sleep!

Hermana tan baggie!!! lol HASTA FEBRERO!!
Standing in 2 countries at once. Mexico and Guatemala.

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18

 I had a good week! Ha-ha idk if I'm a baptizing machine but some people are just ready! We had another one this week, I'll try to send pics this next week. I maybe broke a rule...oops by holding baby Emily. It was a coincidence kinda that they named her after me, but I think they kept it because I told them it was my name...or that's what I like to think. 
I went to Mexico today and then the beach I ate a coconut but no worries, I didn't touch the fish! Pictures next week.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day

This week was crazy busy! On Tuesday  it was my comp´s birthday, so me and the Elders were real sneaky and early in the morning they came over and threw fireworks into our apartment, scared my comp to death! It was great and then we went and made pupusas with a family! Wednesday we went and had a mini MTC with one of the areas in the zone, all the missionaries went and we did divisions with Future missionaries in their ward, we taught them and then in the afternoon we went and visited less actives and searched for news! It was fun! Thursday I did divisions and went about 40 minutes away and wow was it HOT! Then at night the electricity went out so we didn't have fans and we both couldn't sleep, my comp was like Are you awake? I was like unfortunately yes! and she was like Look at the sky, it is so pretty, I tried to but then realized I didn't have my contacts in and couldn't see a thing! But I believe her, the sky is always pretty here! In our studies the next morning I was reading in Ether 12 and it says that his grace is sufficient for us in our weaknesses, I had always realized this for me and all my weaknesses but I had never applied it to everyone else.Things have been a lot better since I've had this change of perspective! We had a wedding and baptism this Saturday and yesterday 2 people accepted dates to be baptized, one for this Saturday and one for the next and we had 5 people in church! The Lord is really blessing us! We also had our cake class this week, it was a hit! Everyone loved it! But this week I'm making the Elders teach because I'm pretty sure I'm going to the temple! The class should be pretty funny!

We started going to the gym and I'm so happy!

So in our baptism us and the elders decided we would do a special musical number, none of us are really Enrique Iglesias but we decided we would go for it A Capella.  Me and one elder would sing part in English and come in in Spanish and the Latinos would sing in Spanish  So we were all in front and the first verse went great and then the second verse came and the Elder singing with me definitely was not pronouncing the English words correctly! and I lost it! I just started laughing and laughing and my investigator was laughing too, so that didn't help the case!. I'm thinking Why the heck cant he speak English - I ask him that all the time, he is from Utah! It took everything in the 4 of us to keep it together till the end. I felt kind of bad though cause he thought I was laughing at his singing, but that wasn't it at all! But yeah I know how to make things irreverent!  
Kike Baptism

This Baby has My name and my curly Hair!


I eat coconut NOW!

Witness at a wedding

Another Baptism!!!!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4

This week was good and crazy! So first we had a leaders meeting with The Mission President on Tuesday, so that's always a good time with good food. Then I did splits with some sisters and that was a great time! I love divisions! 
So Friday was day of the dead and that means you eat a disgusting dish called fiambre...I wish I had been dead so I didn't have to eat it! It is a mix of beets, every kind of meat that exist, and pickled vegs. Why would I ever want that? Saturday we had a baptism and it was the little boy of our good friend and neighbor.She is planning on getting baptized in December, but her bus broke down and she was running late so I told the elders that we'd wait for her...the little boy didn't want to wait and neither did the elders! I was ticked! But it was fine and worked out. Then Sunday morning comes and he doesn't show up to church so I go to look for him and one of the elders is walking out of out apt complex and I'm like what are doing here and he informed me he was looking for my investigators and he was with the grandmothers (they are super catholic and the mom told us not to tell them about the baptism) and he told them we had baptized him! I could have killed my Zone Leader I went to find my investigator, and they had locked him in his room and wouldn't let him out! But that night the mom came and the elders confirmed him in my apt! It was quite the adventure! Our family had to wait to get baptized but we should be good for Saturday! I love you all!

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28 2013

So this week we had a Halloween Activity, American Style! It was great and everyone loved it! Man do I know how to throw a party!  haha jk we had a cake walk, bobbing for apples, donuts on a string, a photo booth, face painting and more! Then the young Single Adults danced to Thriller and we had a pie eating contest and the kids collected candy! It was a hit! We passed by some investigators the next day and they told us they had made their own cake walk but using candy and had been playing it all morning! Also I've had a ton of people ask me to teach them how to bake cupcakes, so I'm starting a class that will hopefully bring in some new investigators. We are going to have, hopefully 3 baptisms this week and our neighbor told us December  was when she´d accept! Ill take it! We went to go see some waterfalls today, my feet are still soaked! It is so pretty here! And the office sent me my plans to leave! WTH! So I guess that means I don't have much time left. That's crazy! I love you all!

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013 Tomorrow will be 14 months

It is crazy that I have only 4 months left! I hopefully will end running!  I live in a little apt complex that is away from the main road, so it isn't quite as loud as my other places, so I'm real happy! Yeah  the boy recently baptized is still going to church, he passed the sacrament for the first time, I felt so proud! 

This week was good! There were changes, but we didn't have any. We are also planning a Halloween activity Everyone is so excited that they are going to have an American Halloween! 

We also went zip lining through the jungles of Guatemala this morning! It was a real good time! The zip lines are a bit more secure in the states, but I totally survived! 

 Not much more to report on, we had a family in church that wants to get married and baptized, so I am hoping they stick!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Columbus Day!

This week was good. I did divisions this week and they were fun! I really like divisions even though we lose a lot of time in our area for the 1.5 bus ride and apparently there was a protest, so the buses were blocked for a little while. The elders in our ward had 5 baptisms this Saturday  so we helped them put that all together. Then our stake had a Cultural Night and every ward prepared typical dances from different countries. The States swing, disco and made me kinda baggy (Trunky). But I loved it! This morning our President came and played futbol with us this morning for P day and he brought us lunch! I really like our President, he is a cool guy! That is awesome that Dallin got baptized and Caroline was blessed! We also played some basketball and My team totally won so I'm trying to convince my district leader that he owes our team ice cream. Ill let you know how that turns out! I love you all!

 My week was fine! It was busy but no sadly we haven't had any baptisms but last Monday a kid on his bike in front of our house stopped us and was like ¨I've been wanting to talk to you for a long time, tell me what I need to do to enter your church.¨ It was crazy! Where do these people come from? He already told us he wants to be baptized the thing is he has to do some repenting first but it was so cool! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day after Conference

 It is raining a lot here! But I like it fine, I think it'll be ending in the next couple of months! But we had no hurricane problems, I guess it just hit Mexico! I loved conference too! I loved the talk by Richard G Scott on the Atonement and the one´s about women! I thought it was fantastic and it was perfectly the things my investigators and members needed to hear!
 Oh my the other night we had to go deal with some problems with some of the sisters and I was up till 2 am and then slept on the cold floor and then got up at 6! I was at another sisters house and by the time we finished there weren't buses to our area and the gate to our apts locks at 1030. I remember being up that late before the mish! I don't know how I did it! I think I'm still suffering from the affects 5 days later!  I'm great! I love you! 

So this week we had interviews with President. That was nice. He is a really good man. This week we also had a leader meeting with him and so that is always a good time that includes my friends being there with good food! My neighbor, the mom of the kid we just baptized told me she wants to get baptized.....the thing is she wants to wait a bit but she told me she would do it before I leave because we are friends. Not a whole lot more to report on but know things are good here and it is so nice to see that the Lord cares about us and the little things we care about! 

The new Hermanas are great! The mission is just hard and lets throw Spanish and the Guatemalan culture into that for the gringas and so they are learning how to deal with that. I feel bad there isn't a ton I can do, just listen and give them hope it ll be better. But we don't have a ton of problems with disobedience so that's nice.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Last Day of September

Yes! the boy got baptized! It was great and the mom we are still working on her, she wants to, she just has to change some things in her life right now to be able to! I got more bday cards! From you and Aunt Annie! thanks! My comp is fine! 3 more changes till I come home.
Things are good here. I went on divisions this week with a gringa who has only a month here and her comp is Latina and the first thing she said to me was "I'm so glad you are here because I am losing it!" I felt bad, it is just the whole language barrier thing and she has no idea what is going on and no one to really explain it to her. I understand! I'm so glad my first and second comps were north Americans! 
We have a leader meeting with President tomorrow, so I am excited for that! Everything in the scriptures relates to missionary work for me right now! But that is the beauty of the scripts, we can always apply them to the phase we are in in our lives!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy 24th Birthday

I'm so glad you all celebrated my day! I wish I had heard Rach´s talk! I bet it was great! Oh the temple! I miss it there! Let´s go there like the day after I get back....not even kidding
This week was busy and fun for the exception that I can barely talk but I think it may be a blessing in disguise because my comp Never talks so I'm having to force her by repeatly telling her I can not speak! So I did my first divisions as a Hermana Líder. I think they went well. It was fun to see another area and try to help out the new little gringa we have here. Then of course it was my birthday! It was lovely, I got cards from Nannie and Rach! And my zone was very excited about the party in the box you sent! Everything was delicious! I also made the cookies and delivered some to my neighbors to contact them, they loved them! They think I am an excellent baker and are asking for more.....we will see what I can do! Also our ZL´s bought me a delicious smoothie of pineapple and a family in our ward made me dinner and a carrot cake! It was so very nice! and of course I wore the crown you gave me! Also yesterday one of the neighbors who came to my door a couple weeks ago asking us to teach him is getting baptized Saturday! We got permission from his mom yesterday (and I hope soon she will be baptized as well)! It is all quite exciting! And I completed 13 months! It was a good week I do say so myself!
Princess celebrates her 24th!
Newest Comp and Oreo Cheesecake
Another Birthday Cake
Birthday Card from Rachel

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hurricane on the way! Just in time for my birthday!

I am so old!!!! That was sweet of Sister Graham to think of me! Your week sounds crazy! I hope Aunt Nicole will be okay!  I'm so happy you are going to have a party on my birthday! I think we are going to celebrate Thursday because that is when the whole zone will be together! I like my new area but I still feel like I haven't done much. I wasn't there Tuesday or part of Thursday. We had a meeting with President and then Thursday we were going to do divisions with one of the zones and they are like 1.5 hour away by bus so we went and got there and then told us that they couldn't do it because they had a baptism.....why didn't you tell us that when we planned this on Monday or when we called you to remind you Wednesday. But it was fine, we ended up meeting a guy from the States on the bus and we taught him in was kind of hard and awkward. Then last Monday 2 of our neighbors knocked on our door and asked us to teach them. They came to church Sunday and the son wants to be baptized! It was so cool!
 My comp is good, she is just super young. My house is good and for the first time in a year I heated up water in a giant pot on the stove and took a shower with that! I don't know why I waited so long! It was glorious! I had forgotten what it was like to bathe with hot water! Yesterday was Independence day here, so our ward did an activity to celebrate. Got to hear some poems and see some typical dancing! That was cool! Supposedly a hurricane is coming so we have to have suffient food for 72 hours....I bought oatmeal. I think it is highly appropriate that they are coming at this time! But things are good! I complete 13 months and 24 years Sunday! Woohoo Voy a tener una fiesta! Love you!

Today, I attempted to play soccer, bought groceries and ate Oreo cheese cake to celebrate my birthday!
 I can't wait to have one of mom´s dinners when I come home. I was just asking my friend what was going to be the first thing she was going to eat once she got home, we decided moms home cooking would be best!
We had to enter the house early because it was their independence day yesterday but still I was exhausted and we actually have possibilities! Really when we try our best, Heavenly Father is so merciful and helps us out! I'm glad you were able to help Danielle and I can't wait to see the door!
I'm sad I wont see Rach, I'm already contemplating if I am going to break the rules and visit her in AZ, she´ll be so close to Utah! I will give her some lessons with members! You guys go to the temple this week? Send me pics! I love you! Have a good week Daddy!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Earthquakes ARE FUN??!!!!!

This week was good, I had changes so I am in a new area and I am pretty much opening it because my comp here only has one week here so that'll be good. They also made me a sister leader so I will be helping the sisters in 2 zones. I don't know exactly what I need to do still, just that I need to take dats and do divisions 2x a week. So I am just adjusting to being here! I think I will like it! My area is huge and our ward seems nice! And it is a bit cooler here! But I do miss my other area a bit but I'll learn to love it here!
We also had a 6.5 earthquake the other day that lasted like a minute! It was kind of fun! I was in the church helping with a Primary activity when it happened, the kids were freaking out saying it was the end of the world! Haha But other than that things are good and I like my comp. She is from El Salvador, so we will be making some papussas! I love you all!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day!

We had a wedding and a baptism and they are so stinkin cute.And I am pretty sure the husband is the first convert to ever thank me. It was nice!  A member of the 70 came and spoke to us and said that the leaders have 2 jobs. They are to be examples and to save and the only way we can save is by helping people partake of ordanances. The retention here is terrible so they are really trying to help our wards with that. The problem is they don't use the programs the church has for us. But hopefully it'll get better. I probably have changes Wednesday, my ZLs assure me I do but they won't know till today and it won't be set until tomorrow but I am pretty sure I am leaving because I have 6 months here! I love you all!
Heber y Estefani Y Hermana Krueger

Monday, August 26, 2013

A year in the mission field on August 22! (Parts of her letters)

My comp and house comps and 2 elders were very sweet and gave me cards and treats for my one year mark! Then that night we watched a church movie and ate ice cream! That is awesome that you are talking to people about the church. You are right we have to be bold. The senor missionary asked me last night compared to a year ago was I as brave as I am now, as bold. I'm probably a bit more bold now, I really  just tell people how it is but in a way that I hope won't offend, unless they are not willing to change at all and are just contentious, then I let them have my wrath. But if they just don't understand I tell them how it is. We are suppose to have a marriage and a baptism of a family this Saturday! We have their interviews tonight so I hope all works out! Also our other investigator, who I'm pretty sure we were best friends in the pre-mortal existence, he was suppose to leave for Belize but I fasted and that day he told us he could leave until September because he has passport problems! Haha! Yeah that's right! Don't mess with God!

 I am happy and healthy! I don't think I really need anything...maybe shoes. but I think I am good!  That was so nice of the Hermana Hodgman to write that to you. They are so sweet. They are moving 3 hours away this week. I'm so sad! And they are going to a place where they don't send Hermanas!

( I shared with her that I(MAMA) had been to IHOP and she assumed I had PANCAKES and shared this with me.) Did I tell you once my comp brought a bird home with us and we named it Panqueque, I'm pretty sure the thing jumped from our roof and committed suicide. It was tragic. Sometimes I just say panqueque to my ex comp and she starts crying! ha! (I TOLD Emily SHE IS MEAN)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 21, 2013

Dear Rose,
My husband and I are senior missionary's here.  We have just been put in the mission Presidency.  Your darling daughter Hermana Krueger has helped teach us Spanish since we have arrived.
We came not speaking any Spanish so she has been a dear friend in helping us during some of her lunch times.   I am an artist and she and her companion wanted to paint something for the Young Women's personal progress.  So I helped teach them what to do.
We love Hermana  Krueger she is one of our favorite missionary's 
I am sure she will explain more about the picture.  I tried to send it to her myldsmail .net but it would not go so I send thru my personal email .  Sorry I did not explain more about sending it initially.

You must be great parents because Hermana Krueger is a wonderful person

Best regards
Hermana Hodgman

Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12,2013

This week was good. We met with Jose with one of the members named Dennis and that night he told us he wanted to get baptized! I was not expecting that but he says he feels like it'll make his life better, that he feels something when he reads and prays! I was thrilled, but the member we were with was so chill afterwards, like oh yeah that always happens, I wanted to smack him but I just yelled at him instead and told him to be excited! Our other investigator on the other hand, Freddy, I might hurt him. He was suppose to enter the waters of salvation this week but chickened out, so I went to teach him with our district leader (he helped somewhat but most of the time was drawing mustaches on his finger with his comp and pretending to have a mustache, because Freddy has one, all this of course was done secretly) but I taught most of it and macheted him a bit and we read the Book of Mormon and then prayed and he said he would get baptized this week, so we shall see! I thought it was hilarious that they were doing it! One of them was like, we kept trying to show you Hermana Krueger but you wouldn't look at us! And I was like I'm sorry I'm trying to save someone's soul! But it was funny!
My comp was also sick this week, but is feeling better! The big thing we did was plan and put together an activity with another ward. We had worldly and churchy games and in the end based on the number of tickets earned we sent them to a kingdom of glory! It was fun, but somehow I was like put in charge of everything! I don't know how that happened, but I made like 120 cupcakes with a pan that didn't fit in the oven. It was a miracle! I don't know how we pulled it off! An investigator that we have had for like 2 months came all by himself!
And he kinda came to church, well he came but during the sacrament so the doors were shut and they didn't let him in, so he freaked out and left! But things are good here! Just working hard! Love you all!
My Family HERE!

What we do here!

Someone Vacationing took this picture
 and texted it to Mama for me.

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013 Not a lot of news today

We haven't baptized anymore families but we have a date for this Saturday! WE have been with this guy for a while and he just asks for more time, so we went to visit him the other day and it was same old same old. I asked him if he was praying, reading, going to go to church etc. Then all of a sudden he was like I feel good with you guys, I feel calm, and now he is getting baptized this Saturday! It was totally the Spirit!!! Gotta love it!

Things are good here! We have a baptism this Saturday (its a miracle! It took forever, but once he actually recognized the Spirit he accepted! It is always the spirit!), an English class, and a ward activity, so I don't know how Ill do it all but it'll be fun! Also we went to play mini golf today and a volcano erupted this week! Oh and I went and did some painting as well with the Senor Missionaries and they made us BLTs for lunch, they were so freakin good!

Hermana Goddard is still quiet but I found out her name and it is quite lovely! It is Emily. That was so nice to have a granddaughter named after  me! I don't know what I want for my birthday. Cliff Bars please. Maybe earrings or shoes. Idk, I don't need anything. Or you can just save up and get me something when I get home!  I will try to take pics this week! And yeah I can print emails out!

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013

This week has been good, kind of normal! We are just trying to find new people to teach and it has been a bit challenging because I have almost 6 months in this little area so I feel like I've been everywhere but I know someone will turn up! My first kid is now training and they live with me so I'm super excited! My granddaughter is a Norte so that's cool! WE just are working hard and trying to find people who are ready for the gospel. I just need to be patient and wait for the answer to come, because I know it will in the Lord´s time! 2 Elders from the office are now working in our area in the afternoon, so that's nice to have 4 missionaries in our ward! I love you all so much and sorry I don't have a ton to report on but things are pretty much the same! Love you!
FYI: Her kids are the 2 Hermanas she trained and granddaughter is 1 being trained by the girl she trained.

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013 11 Months today

Tell Craig and Heidi Congrats! That is exciting!

I don't have a lot to report on this week! We are just preparing for changes this Wednesday but my comp and I wont have them because we still have 6 weeks left in her training, but I'm pretty sure my first kid, who is living with me now, is going to train a Norte! She is freaking out! But I'm kinda excited if this happens because I'll have my 2 daughters and grand daughter (people she trained or then they train) with me and it'll be nice to have another gringa around! My comps birthday was this week so we went with some other sisters to go get ice cream! That was a good time! I love you all so much and hope you are doing well and woo hoo!!!! 11 months Baby!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

I am doing well! This week was insane but amazing! First we had divisions with 2 other sisters this week. That was good. Then we had interviews with new President. I really like him. It was good to know him a little bit better. But during interviews we found out that 2 other sisters would be moving in with us because their house wasn't completely safe, so I am happy, because one of them is my first kid! So now I have both my hijas with me! It is great! But it was crazy to have them move in this weekend because we married and baptized the family that I found! Yes my family got baptized! Oh my gosh it was crazy! They told us that we wouldn't have the papers to marry them till Tuesday so we would have to wait till the next Saturday, then On Thursday we had them by some miracle, so I had one day to plan a wedding and baptism and 2 more sisters moved into our house this day so it was insane, but I am my mothers' daughter and Danielle's sister so of course I was able to do it with the help of others! It was great and beautiful! Miracles really do happen! It was fantastic! Then yesterday it was the birthday of a sister in our ward who always feeds us dinner so us and the elders invented lasagna Guatemalan style to feed her. It was delicious and fun! Things are going well! I love you all!
The Family I baptized, Me, Hermana P, Elder Q, Our Bishop, His Son, D.

The Relief Society

Wedding Cake Emily made

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

More from July 8, 2013

Response to Daddy's  email:

You guys look great in the pics from Danielle! Blackberries sound delicious...and you are rude! The Nortes were Freakin' out on the 4th of July, all of us wore red white and blue (except one elder who forgot, but no worries, I yelled at him), were singing songs of America and saying the Pledge of Allegiance...The Latinos thought we were ridiculous, but they just dont understand unfortunatley. Living here really makes you appreciate America! I had a baptism this week so that was exciting and my comp and I are doing good. She is trying and I am as well. I met our new President and his wife this week, I think I am going to like them! Oh yesterday we were eating dinner with some members and other elders on really unsturdy chairs, so of course my fell and so did I too the floor, I was fine it was really funny, but about 20 minutes later the same thing happened to the Elder who probably laughed at me the hardest...yeah Karma is real! It made my week! I love you! I love you! Have a good week! Sorry I don't have a ton to write, but it is pretty much they same stuff all the time!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Response to some questions asked about Elders that I(Mama) have been talking with their Mother's and what she wants for her birthday:

Elder Heiner was in the CCM with me and Elder Grant is my District leader (and probably my favorite thus far) and Elder Saunders is his kid, he is a riot and super tall, it is funny to watch him with the little people here. They are right behind me at this very moment. I have a wash lady in this area, in the other no, but I do now, actually its a member who is willing to do it for free for us, she is so sweet! My Birthday!?!?! I have no idea? I don't really need anything. Stickers and pens are always great. Or shoes. But Idk surprise me, you always do a great job! My comp is doing better. WE are good, I had a baptism this week! My first Family! And we are suppose to have 4 or five this Saturday! They are great! I am so excited!
Don't know who everyone is here but the girl in the middle is a new Convert!
 The Elder is
 Em's District Leader.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1st

Things are good here in Guatemala! It is winter here so it isn´t as hot. I love it when it rains because after it is cooler, but it does make our job a little more difficult because everyone here sleeps during the rain and there isn't anyone to talk to. But We received our new president Saturday, I haven't met him but I had lunch with the Elders from the Office yesterday and they told me we would be having a conference this week and interviews in the next 3 weeks after so I am excited to meet him. My other President is gone and being a seventy now. I had the privilege to eat dinner with him in a small gathering and he said some very kind words to me before he left as well as did his wife. They are sweet.  We had an Elder in our mission die about 2 weeks ago, that was sad, but I didnt know him very well. My comp and I are good, she is a little crazy but I think that is because she is brand new and freaking out so she is trying to control everything, I get it. But she loves to work and she has a really strong testimony, she is a convert of about 1.5 years, so she's brand new and on fire! We are going to baptize someone tomorrow! Her name is Wendy and I am so excited, we have waited awhile for her, but she is the kind of convert that everyone wants, she was just ready! We are also teaching a family of 7 right now and they are legit! The mom and daughter and 2 kids came to church yesterday and they know it and want it. The Father came to an activity, but didn't go to church yesterday because of work, so we just need him and 2 sons to come the next week, but they are all praying and reading! They are so cute! They Spirit totally lead me to them. I was walking past an area that I always walk past and all of a sudden I saw a place of houses that I had never seen in the 3 months before, so I told my comp, we are going there, and we found them and I love them! I love you all! Adiós!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day

Response to Mama:
Yeah we had changes this week, I am in the same area but I am training again. She is from the Dominican Republic. She likes to work so that is good. We had dinner with President last night and he told me that we are getting a ton of white girls this next change so I might be training two at a time starting in July, but he is leaving so I am hoping that is a dirty lie.
What are you going to do for Rachy's Birthday? That'd be cool if they (Mitchell Daughter and Rachel) go to the same mission! Nothing super exciting is happening, just adjusting to having a new comp and just finding a bunch of new people to teach! I love you all so much!
Response to Daddy:
Happy Father{s Day! I am sorry I wasn't there! But it sounds like it was a good time! Ill be there next year! The dancing sounds like a blast! I can't wait to do that again, sometimes I do it in the street here, but I'm kinda scared to do it in front of my new comp because she is a flechona, or that is to say she is super strict, I'll have to break her in! I'm glad you are still loving your job! THangs are good here. We had dinner with a family in a ward last night, usually on Sunday nights they would just have the elders over but we got an invite this Sunday and oh I wish you had seen the face of one of the elders! he was so jealous, we have a battle between us on who can be the favorite of the members and the senior missionary couple...thus far I'm winning! hahah Our President was there and so we got to talk to him a bit before he leaves. He is really kind. Well I love you!
Hope you have a good week!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 10, 2013 POOR LANDLORD!

 I'm doing great. We are going to have changes Wednesday my comp is certain she is leaving and I am staying. But Idk I feel like I am probably leaving even though a part of me really doesn't want to. I am in love with my ward and my converts and we have an investigator who is getting baptized and married at the end of this month that I don't want to miss but then again I feel like I'm ready for something new. We will see.Your placemats are adorable! Thats cute that they set a place for me! mmmm your jam sure does look good! I talked to the office and they said that packages come in tomorrow usually, so we will see!
I don't think I'll come back with an accent, but maybe! That could be fun! I should probably start taking notes (FOR HER RETURN SACRAMENT TALK), I write in my journal occasionally, I'll refer back to that! I'm glad you both are loving his job! We should save so we can all pick up Rach from her mission in Italy (This is my dream). I love you so much! Nothing super exciting happened this week. Our roof fell through right after I passed under it, I was having a bad day but somehow I just started laughing and it made my day a bit better, idk. We also locked the key in our apartment so we had to break a window to get in. The poor landlord having us as tennents. But yeah nothing much else just teaching, searching, and smiling!

Response to Daddy's Letter
I know it is awesome that the prophets talk about me! Yeah I'm cool! Poor boy. I understand a little bit, I don't have an accent and I can talk in English about normal stuff but it is really hard to pray or talk about the gospel in english, I try but it turns into spanglish, that is after 9 months, I can't imagine after 2 years.
I'm glad you love your job!  I do love my mission, I do not regret coming, I have learned a lot about our Savior, the scriptures, people, and my self. And I am only half way there. It is hard, almost everyday is hard but I'm happiest when I am in a lesson, when I am out talking to the people, but I don't think we really learn much if things are easy. The mish changes a ton and I think that is why we learn, if things were always constant I don't think we would learn a thing. But I love you too! I always tell everyone how they should join the church so they can have a family like mine, and be parents like mine! Have a good day! Mwah

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Newly Baptized

Emily with new converts May 2013


Memorial Day 2013, really?

This week was good. We had 2 baptisms, we were suppose to have 3 but the mom of one of girls scared her out of it. We are going to try to repair that damage and have the baptism this week I hope! So I just want you to know that there is know such thing as an easy baptism, well if there is I have never experienced it. We went the morning of the baptism to bring them and the step father and mom, after already signing the papers, were telling us they couldnt be baptized. I dont even remember really what we said to them, something about why would they keep their daughters from keeping the commandments and that Jesus said let the children come to me, but idk, it was completely by the Spirit. The baptism was great, after they stepped out of the water you couldnt help but feel the Spirit. They were so happy and smiley. It reminded me of the scripture that talks about the converts in the bom who clapped their hands for joy after thier baptisms. Then Sunday we went to bring them for the confirmations....the mom told us they couldnt come to church this Sunday but next Sunday. I have become quite persistent and my comp is really sweet so finally we threw them in a moto and got them confirmed! It was great! I really want to teach the whole family, but the mom will take a while to gain her confidence. But I am doing great! No we havent had changes yet, in 2 weeks. We will be getting a new president as well.

My Comp gave me this to celebrate my Half-Way mark!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day after Mother's Day, so not much new to tell since yesterday

I know! Me too! I was so happy to talk to all of you yesterday! I love the pictures, you all are so pretty! I dont really have much to share. Just this week we had interviews with President and that was really good for me! It was good to talk to him and get some counsel. Also this week my comp and I were walking home from the gym and there was a bird on the side of the road and I was like oh a bird, but my comp just picked it up and decided to take it home. Ok whatever. I named it Pancake. It couldnt fly and it wouldnt eat the bread my comp gave it it just sat on our balcony looking sad and then when we got home that night he was gone! I dont know if he flew away or he jumped to his death, either way Im offended! Why wouldnt he want to live with us, we are a good time but whatever! I love you very much! Have a good day, despite the dentist!

Monday, April 29, 2013

A minature golf kind of day

So this week was fine. Just a couple things to share! I was talking to this man, ok kind of contending with him...I know we arent supoose to do that but it just was to much fun to resist. Anyways he told me that he and I were the same and I promptly told him he was nothing like me. We were both children of God but not the same ( because Im not a dirty drunk man) he stopped and was like ¨you're right, you have power!¨ Yeah I do! That was a good time! Today I had divisions because my comp had to go to the capital to sign papers for her visa, I miss my daughter! But she will be back soon, but she was ticked she missed her PDay! We went mini golfing today! That was really fun. The people I played with didn't keep score, so who knows who won! We had an investigator in church that I was not expecting so that was lovely and like 10 inactives, so that was nice! I hope everything is good at home! Love you all!

Monday, April 22, 2013

8 Month Mark!

WOOOOHOOOO! I am so glad Daddy got this job! How wonderful! Sounds like he had a good birthday! I cant wait to see pics of Molly´´s party! What is an IPAD? haha jk but I feel so disconnected from the world. What the heck is going on in the states? Why are things blowing up? When does daddy start the new job? Tell Nannie I love her too! Oh the dentist....I was just telling my comp how badly I want to go to the dentist! Ha and about how IHOP exsist and one day we will go there...well at least I hope so, but leaving Nicaragua would be really expensive for her.
THings are good here in Guatemala! We had a baptism and we recieved a bishopric this week! I was more than thrilled to have leaders to work with. They are really willing to help us! THis week we had a training for poeple from my group that entered the mission with me who are training. It was fun to see my friends. We are in our last week of this change, I cant believe I am almost half way through with training my Hermana Hurtado. She is so sweet. I completed 8 months today and woke up to a poster, cupcakes and cards! I have been super blessed with great companions so far! Raining season started so we will be walking in rivers in the streets untill October! Im glad things are wonderful at home! Stay safe! Love you!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Not much to say this week. April 15

Things are good here, we had 5 people in church yesterday, that was a miracle! We don't have anyone super positive right now, but that could change. I didn't get electrocuted too badly. Didnt even hurt, just felt really weird, I was just screwing in a light bulb.
My bathroom got a little flooded this morning but it is all fixed now! Woo hoo! And we found a gym in our area, so now we can legitally work out! So I'm excited!
We had a conference with our President this week and were able to ask him any questions about his new calling to the 70. He is over all of central America but specifically Nicaragua.
Oh and Daddy wants to send other missionaries stuff right? Well my comp could use some loving, if he wants to do something for her.
I love you all so much!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Conference was Great!

"If you don't have a missionary tag on your coat, paint one on your heart" Neil L. Andersen
Catch the Missionary Wave! Russell M. Nelson
Marriage is a gift to us from God. The quality of our marriage is our gift to God.
OK, what were your favorite one liners from conference?
Lets see... I liked the quotes that you put but also the one by Uchtdorf that said "Don't dwell in the darkness of this life, because light exsist too"....or something to that effect and I loved Holland´s entire talk! Also my mission president just got called to the 70 so that was exiting for us. I guess when he is with us he is our pres. when he isn't with us he is a 70. or at least till he leaves in June.
Your week sounds fun! I will pray for Daddy to get the job and I will add that into my fast this week. What would you do in an animal hospital? you don't like animals very much?
I don't sugar coat stuff. Really right now I'm fine, just getting fatter and fatter because all they give us to eat is crap and soda and tons of it. But I decided I'm going to start asking for water and less, hopefully they wont get to upset but if they do oh well. Food is really important to them. Oh and I got a little bit electrocuted I think, but it didn't hurt, it just felt really weird, but no worries, I'm fine, my hair is just a bit more scary! haha
Your gardening class sounds like a good time! Grass!? what is that!? I hope it grows!
Tell Nannie I love her too!
Nothing much new here. WE have a pair of senior missionaries and they came to observe our studying this week. THey are super sweet but I think they are a bit terrified right now, but I know they will be great!
I love you all so much! THank you for the quotes!
Take care! Mwah!