Specifically Tuesday 11/19/13
5 am....wake up then throw a pillow at my comp to wake her up
530.... go to the gym with a member and the elders. We tried doing tai bo, but I think I got more of a work out trying to watch the elders do it
7....put water on the stove to heat up so I can shower with hot water, eat breakfast, get ready
8....Study the scriptures personally. Right now Im reading the New Testament and I studied the Atonement
9....Study with my comp. We sing a hymn, read the white bible (Missionary Rule Book) and share what we studied.
10.....We usually have District meeting, but today we had a zone meeting to think of what goals our zone wants to set for the next year. Every month we want to baptize 20 people with 6 families, that is 240 with 72 for the next year. We want to retain at least 60 percent and reactivate 48 people every 3 months and help 26 youth go on the mission... I hope they complete it cause well I wont be here.
1.....WE go lunch and we wait an hour because it wasn't ready, so we help and talk to her kids and just gain their love. I am maybe in a competition with one of the elders in our ward to be the favorite of this member....lets just say I am winning
3....We start our fast because tomorrow a member of the 70, Elder Amado is going to come and President wants us all to fast.
We go and visit a member who is trying to prepare to go to the temple, so we are teaching her about that.
4...We past by all of our appointments but no one is home and no one wants to let us in to contact.
6....We go to a members house and their grandson who is super inactive just happens to be there so we go in a teach him a little about church and the Book of Mormon
7....We are singing in Stake Conference, so we go to practice with the ward
8...We go home and when I walk in the gate of our apt complex my 2 year old neighbor come running to me yelling ¨krueger! Krueger!´´ and kisses me. then we plan
10...My district leader calls and I give dats and then I sleep!
Hermana tan baggie!!! lol HASTA FEBRERO!! Standing in 2 countries at once. Mexico and Guatemala. |