Monday, August 26, 2013

A year in the mission field on August 22! (Parts of her letters)

My comp and house comps and 2 elders were very sweet and gave me cards and treats for my one year mark! Then that night we watched a church movie and ate ice cream! That is awesome that you are talking to people about the church. You are right we have to be bold. The senor missionary asked me last night compared to a year ago was I as brave as I am now, as bold. I'm probably a bit more bold now, I really  just tell people how it is but in a way that I hope won't offend, unless they are not willing to change at all and are just contentious, then I let them have my wrath. But if they just don't understand I tell them how it is. We are suppose to have a marriage and a baptism of a family this Saturday! We have their interviews tonight so I hope all works out! Also our other investigator, who I'm pretty sure we were best friends in the pre-mortal existence, he was suppose to leave for Belize but I fasted and that day he told us he could leave until September because he has passport problems! Haha! Yeah that's right! Don't mess with God!

 I am happy and healthy! I don't think I really need anything...maybe shoes. but I think I am good!  That was so nice of the Hermana Hodgman to write that to you. They are so sweet. They are moving 3 hours away this week. I'm so sad! And they are going to a place where they don't send Hermanas!

( I shared with her that I(MAMA) had been to IHOP and she assumed I had PANCAKES and shared this with me.) Did I tell you once my comp brought a bird home with us and we named it Panqueque, I'm pretty sure the thing jumped from our roof and committed suicide. It was tragic. Sometimes I just say panqueque to my ex comp and she starts crying! ha! (I TOLD Emily SHE IS MEAN)

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