Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Conference was Great!

"If you don't have a missionary tag on your coat, paint one on your heart" Neil L. Andersen
Catch the Missionary Wave! Russell M. Nelson
Marriage is a gift to us from God. The quality of our marriage is our gift to God.
OK, what were your favorite one liners from conference?
Lets see... I liked the quotes that you put but also the one by Uchtdorf that said "Don't dwell in the darkness of this life, because light exsist too"....or something to that effect and I loved Holland´s entire talk! Also my mission president just got called to the 70 so that was exiting for us. I guess when he is with us he is our pres. when he isn't with us he is a 70. or at least till he leaves in June.
Your week sounds fun! I will pray for Daddy to get the job and I will add that into my fast this week. What would you do in an animal hospital? you don't like animals very much?
I don't sugar coat stuff. Really right now I'm fine, just getting fatter and fatter because all they give us to eat is crap and soda and tons of it. But I decided I'm going to start asking for water and less, hopefully they wont get to upset but if they do oh well. Food is really important to them. Oh and I got a little bit electrocuted I think, but it didn't hurt, it just felt really weird, but no worries, I'm fine, my hair is just a bit more scary! haha
Your gardening class sounds like a good time! Grass!? what is that!? I hope it grows!
Tell Nannie I love her too!
Nothing much new here. WE have a pair of senior missionaries and they came to observe our studying this week. THey are super sweet but I think they are a bit terrified right now, but I know they will be great!
I love you all so much! THank you for the quotes!
Take care! Mwah!

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