Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 10, 2013 POOR LANDLORD!

 I'm doing great. We are going to have changes Wednesday my comp is certain she is leaving and I am staying. But Idk I feel like I am probably leaving even though a part of me really doesn't want to. I am in love with my ward and my converts and we have an investigator who is getting baptized and married at the end of this month that I don't want to miss but then again I feel like I'm ready for something new. We will see.Your placemats are adorable! Thats cute that they set a place for me! mmmm your jam sure does look good! I talked to the office and they said that packages come in tomorrow usually, so we will see!
I don't think I'll come back with an accent, but maybe! That could be fun! I should probably start taking notes (FOR HER RETURN SACRAMENT TALK), I write in my journal occasionally, I'll refer back to that! I'm glad you both are loving his job! We should save so we can all pick up Rach from her mission in Italy (This is my dream). I love you so much! Nothing super exciting happened this week. Our roof fell through right after I passed under it, I was having a bad day but somehow I just started laughing and it made my day a bit better, idk. We also locked the key in our apartment so we had to break a window to get in. The poor landlord having us as tennents. But yeah nothing much else just teaching, searching, and smiling!

Response to Daddy's Letter
I know it is awesome that the prophets talk about me! Yeah I'm cool! Poor boy. I understand a little bit, I don't have an accent and I can talk in English about normal stuff but it is really hard to pray or talk about the gospel in english, I try but it turns into spanglish, that is after 9 months, I can't imagine after 2 years.
I'm glad you love your job!  I do love my mission, I do not regret coming, I have learned a lot about our Savior, the scriptures, people, and my self. And I am only half way there. It is hard, almost everyday is hard but I'm happiest when I am in a lesson, when I am out talking to the people, but I don't think we really learn much if things are easy. The mish changes a ton and I think that is why we learn, if things were always constant I don't think we would learn a thing. But I love you too! I always tell everyone how they should join the church so they can have a family like mine, and be parents like mine! Have a good day! Mwah

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