Monday, September 30, 2013

Last Day of September

Yes! the boy got baptized! It was great and the mom we are still working on her, she wants to, she just has to change some things in her life right now to be able to! I got more bday cards! From you and Aunt Annie! thanks! My comp is fine! 3 more changes till I come home.
Things are good here. I went on divisions this week with a gringa who has only a month here and her comp is Latina and the first thing she said to me was "I'm so glad you are here because I am losing it!" I felt bad, it is just the whole language barrier thing and she has no idea what is going on and no one to really explain it to her. I understand! I'm so glad my first and second comps were north Americans! 
We have a leader meeting with President tomorrow, so I am excited for that! Everything in the scriptures relates to missionary work for me right now! But that is the beauty of the scripts, we can always apply them to the phase we are in in our lives!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy 24th Birthday

I'm so glad you all celebrated my day! I wish I had heard Rach´s talk! I bet it was great! Oh the temple! I miss it there! Let´s go there like the day after I get back....not even kidding
This week was busy and fun for the exception that I can barely talk but I think it may be a blessing in disguise because my comp Never talks so I'm having to force her by repeatly telling her I can not speak! So I did my first divisions as a Hermana Líder. I think they went well. It was fun to see another area and try to help out the new little gringa we have here. Then of course it was my birthday! It was lovely, I got cards from Nannie and Rach! And my zone was very excited about the party in the box you sent! Everything was delicious! I also made the cookies and delivered some to my neighbors to contact them, they loved them! They think I am an excellent baker and are asking for more.....we will see what I can do! Also our ZL´s bought me a delicious smoothie of pineapple and a family in our ward made me dinner and a carrot cake! It was so very nice! and of course I wore the crown you gave me! Also yesterday one of the neighbors who came to my door a couple weeks ago asking us to teach him is getting baptized Saturday! We got permission from his mom yesterday (and I hope soon she will be baptized as well)! It is all quite exciting! And I completed 13 months! It was a good week I do say so myself!
Princess celebrates her 24th!
Newest Comp and Oreo Cheesecake
Another Birthday Cake
Birthday Card from Rachel

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hurricane on the way! Just in time for my birthday!

I am so old!!!! That was sweet of Sister Graham to think of me! Your week sounds crazy! I hope Aunt Nicole will be okay!  I'm so happy you are going to have a party on my birthday! I think we are going to celebrate Thursday because that is when the whole zone will be together! I like my new area but I still feel like I haven't done much. I wasn't there Tuesday or part of Thursday. We had a meeting with President and then Thursday we were going to do divisions with one of the zones and they are like 1.5 hour away by bus so we went and got there and then told us that they couldn't do it because they had a baptism.....why didn't you tell us that when we planned this on Monday or when we called you to remind you Wednesday. But it was fine, we ended up meeting a guy from the States on the bus and we taught him in was kind of hard and awkward. Then last Monday 2 of our neighbors knocked on our door and asked us to teach them. They came to church Sunday and the son wants to be baptized! It was so cool!
 My comp is good, she is just super young. My house is good and for the first time in a year I heated up water in a giant pot on the stove and took a shower with that! I don't know why I waited so long! It was glorious! I had forgotten what it was like to bathe with hot water! Yesterday was Independence day here, so our ward did an activity to celebrate. Got to hear some poems and see some typical dancing! That was cool! Supposedly a hurricane is coming so we have to have suffient food for 72 hours....I bought oatmeal. I think it is highly appropriate that they are coming at this time! But things are good! I complete 13 months and 24 years Sunday! Woohoo Voy a tener una fiesta! Love you!

Today, I attempted to play soccer, bought groceries and ate Oreo cheese cake to celebrate my birthday!
 I can't wait to have one of mom´s dinners when I come home. I was just asking my friend what was going to be the first thing she was going to eat once she got home, we decided moms home cooking would be best!
We had to enter the house early because it was their independence day yesterday but still I was exhausted and we actually have possibilities! Really when we try our best, Heavenly Father is so merciful and helps us out! I'm glad you were able to help Danielle and I can't wait to see the door!
I'm sad I wont see Rach, I'm already contemplating if I am going to break the rules and visit her in AZ, she´ll be so close to Utah! I will give her some lessons with members! You guys go to the temple this week? Send me pics! I love you! Have a good week Daddy!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Earthquakes ARE FUN??!!!!!

This week was good, I had changes so I am in a new area and I am pretty much opening it because my comp here only has one week here so that'll be good. They also made me a sister leader so I will be helping the sisters in 2 zones. I don't know exactly what I need to do still, just that I need to take dats and do divisions 2x a week. So I am just adjusting to being here! I think I will like it! My area is huge and our ward seems nice! And it is a bit cooler here! But I do miss my other area a bit but I'll learn to love it here!
We also had a 6.5 earthquake the other day that lasted like a minute! It was kind of fun! I was in the church helping with a Primary activity when it happened, the kids were freaking out saying it was the end of the world! Haha But other than that things are good and I like my comp. She is from El Salvador, so we will be making some papussas! I love you all!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day!

We had a wedding and a baptism and they are so stinkin cute.And I am pretty sure the husband is the first convert to ever thank me. It was nice!  A member of the 70 came and spoke to us and said that the leaders have 2 jobs. They are to be examples and to save and the only way we can save is by helping people partake of ordanances. The retention here is terrible so they are really trying to help our wards with that. The problem is they don't use the programs the church has for us. But hopefully it'll get better. I probably have changes Wednesday, my ZLs assure me I do but they won't know till today and it won't be set until tomorrow but I am pretty sure I am leaving because I have 6 months here! I love you all!
Heber y Estefani Y Hermana Krueger