Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013

This week has been good, kind of normal! We are just trying to find new people to teach and it has been a bit challenging because I have almost 6 months in this little area so I feel like I've been everywhere but I know someone will turn up! My first kid is now training and they live with me so I'm super excited! My granddaughter is a Norte so that's cool! WE just are working hard and trying to find people who are ready for the gospel. I just need to be patient and wait for the answer to come, because I know it will in the Lord´s time! 2 Elders from the office are now working in our area in the afternoon, so that's nice to have 4 missionaries in our ward! I love you all so much and sorry I don't have a ton to report on but things are pretty much the same! Love you!
FYI: Her kids are the 2 Hermanas she trained and granddaughter is 1 being trained by the girl she trained.

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013 11 Months today

Tell Craig and Heidi Congrats! That is exciting!

I don't have a lot to report on this week! We are just preparing for changes this Wednesday but my comp and I wont have them because we still have 6 weeks left in her training, but I'm pretty sure my first kid, who is living with me now, is going to train a Norte! She is freaking out! But I'm kinda excited if this happens because I'll have my 2 daughters and grand daughter (people she trained or then they train) with me and it'll be nice to have another gringa around! My comps birthday was this week so we went with some other sisters to go get ice cream! That was a good time! I love you all so much and hope you are doing well and woo hoo!!!! 11 months Baby!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

I am doing well! This week was insane but amazing! First we had divisions with 2 other sisters this week. That was good. Then we had interviews with new President. I really like him. It was good to know him a little bit better. But during interviews we found out that 2 other sisters would be moving in with us because their house wasn't completely safe, so I am happy, because one of them is my first kid! So now I have both my hijas with me! It is great! But it was crazy to have them move in this weekend because we married and baptized the family that I found! Yes my family got baptized! Oh my gosh it was crazy! They told us that we wouldn't have the papers to marry them till Tuesday so we would have to wait till the next Saturday, then On Thursday we had them by some miracle, so I had one day to plan a wedding and baptism and 2 more sisters moved into our house this day so it was insane, but I am my mothers' daughter and Danielle's sister so of course I was able to do it with the help of others! It was great and beautiful! Miracles really do happen! It was fantastic! Then yesterday it was the birthday of a sister in our ward who always feeds us dinner so us and the elders invented lasagna Guatemalan style to feed her. It was delicious and fun! Things are going well! I love you all!
The Family I baptized, Me, Hermana P, Elder Q, Our Bishop, His Son, D.

The Relief Society

Wedding Cake Emily made

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

More from July 8, 2013

Response to Daddy's  email:

You guys look great in the pics from Danielle! Blackberries sound delicious...and you are rude! The Nortes were Freakin' out on the 4th of July, all of us wore red white and blue (except one elder who forgot, but no worries, I yelled at him), were singing songs of America and saying the Pledge of Allegiance...The Latinos thought we were ridiculous, but they just dont understand unfortunatley. Living here really makes you appreciate America! I had a baptism this week so that was exciting and my comp and I are doing good. She is trying and I am as well. I met our new President and his wife this week, I think I am going to like them! Oh yesterday we were eating dinner with some members and other elders on really unsturdy chairs, so of course my fell and so did I too the floor, I was fine it was really funny, but about 20 minutes later the same thing happened to the Elder who probably laughed at me the hardest...yeah Karma is real! It made my week! I love you! I love you! Have a good week! Sorry I don't have a ton to write, but it is pretty much they same stuff all the time!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Response to some questions asked about Elders that I(Mama) have been talking with their Mother's and what she wants for her birthday:

Elder Heiner was in the CCM with me and Elder Grant is my District leader (and probably my favorite thus far) and Elder Saunders is his kid, he is a riot and super tall, it is funny to watch him with the little people here. They are right behind me at this very moment. I have a wash lady in this area, in the other no, but I do now, actually its a member who is willing to do it for free for us, she is so sweet! My Birthday!?!?! I have no idea? I don't really need anything. Stickers and pens are always great. Or shoes. But Idk surprise me, you always do a great job! My comp is doing better. WE are good, I had a baptism this week! My first Family! And we are suppose to have 4 or five this Saturday! They are great! I am so excited!
Don't know who everyone is here but the girl in the middle is a new Convert!
 The Elder is
 Em's District Leader.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1st

Things are good here in Guatemala! It is winter here so it isn´t as hot. I love it when it rains because after it is cooler, but it does make our job a little more difficult because everyone here sleeps during the rain and there isn't anyone to talk to. But We received our new president Saturday, I haven't met him but I had lunch with the Elders from the Office yesterday and they told me we would be having a conference this week and interviews in the next 3 weeks after so I am excited to meet him. My other President is gone and being a seventy now. I had the privilege to eat dinner with him in a small gathering and he said some very kind words to me before he left as well as did his wife. They are sweet.  We had an Elder in our mission die about 2 weeks ago, that was sad, but I didnt know him very well. My comp and I are good, she is a little crazy but I think that is because she is brand new and freaking out so she is trying to control everything, I get it. But she loves to work and she has a really strong testimony, she is a convert of about 1.5 years, so she's brand new and on fire! We are going to baptize someone tomorrow! Her name is Wendy and I am so excited, we have waited awhile for her, but she is the kind of convert that everyone wants, she was just ready! We are also teaching a family of 7 right now and they are legit! The mom and daughter and 2 kids came to church yesterday and they know it and want it. The Father came to an activity, but didn't go to church yesterday because of work, so we just need him and 2 sons to come the next week, but they are all praying and reading! They are so cute! They Spirit totally lead me to them. I was walking past an area that I always walk past and all of a sudden I saw a place of houses that I had never seen in the 3 months before, so I told my comp, we are going there, and we found them and I love them! I love you all! Adiós!