Things are good here in Guatemala! It is winter here so it isn´t as hot. I love it when it rains because after it is cooler, but it does make our job a little more difficult because everyone here sleeps during the rain and there isn't anyone to talk to. But We received our new president S
aturday, I haven't met him but I had lunch with the Elders from the Office yesterday and they told me we would be having a conference this week and interviews in the next 3 weeks after so I am excited to meet him. My other President is gone and being a seventy now. I had the privilege to eat dinner with him in a small gathering and he said some very kind words to me before he left as well as did his wife. They are sweet. We had an Elder in our mission die about 2 weeks ago, that was sad, but I didnt know him very well. My comp and I are good, she is a little crazy but I think that is because she is brand new and freaking out so she is trying to control everything, I get it. But she loves to work and she has a really strong testimony, she is a convert of about 1.5 years, so she's brand new and on fire! We are going to baptize someone
tomorrow! Her name is Wendy and I am so excited, we have waited awhile for her, but she is the kind of convert that everyone wants, she was just ready! We are also teaching a family of 7 right now and they are legit! The mom and daughter and 2 kids came to church yesterday and they know it and want it. The Father came to an activity, but didn't go to church yesterday because of work, so we just need him and 2 sons to come the next week, but they are all praying and reading! They are so cute! They Spirit totally lead me to them. I was walking past an area that I always walk past and all of a sudden I saw a place of houses that I had never seen in the 3 months before, so I told my comp, we are going there, and we found them and I love them! I love you all! Adiós!