This week our really good friend Brooke came into town and she is so sweet and is a sewing goddess so she made me a skirt out of some material that I brought home from my mission!
Also this week my Daddy had his birthday! Doesn't he look like a great dad? That's cause he is! I am so grateful for him and all he does and for teaching me what a man is suppose to be like!
We also did a little geocaching, which is like treasure hunting with your iPhone. You get a map and then search for the treasure! Pretty cool, but I really hate puzzles, all types and so after awhile I rather just look for another one or have someone else find it for me, good thing my parents are into this kinda thing and they are patient enough to find the cool stuff!
Easter! So we celebrated with my mom's side of the family with a BBQ and the annual Kid's Easter Egg Hunt! There were over 500 eggs hidden filled with candy and money! So of course I decided to participate, I wasn't going to but I looked at those other children ranging from ages 1- 10 and decided I could take them! The night before I had told my nephew to "beat everyone in the Easter Egg Hunt", so when ! changed my mind last minute and decided to participate he came up to me and informed me he still had every intention of following my directions to "beat everyone", including me! hmmm I wonder where he gets his competitiveness from?....We tied in the end, finding the same number of eggs!
So tried teaching my niece something new this week, I tried to teaching her how to give the "peace" sign with your fingers when you leave someplace. She was like ok. So when we separated I threw up the peace sign and said "peace out" to her and then it was her turn to do it so she says "bye" to me and throws up her 2 fingers, but her 2 fingers were not the peace sign she ended up giving me the loser sign....wrong 2 fingers kid. Shows the love between us right?
We found a train, so we climbed on it!
Aren't my parents cute?
This week my baby, just decided to stop working while driving down the highway! So a tow truck had to come bring it home! It was so sad!