Sunday, June 24, 2012

I hope they call me on a Mission...and they have!

 My mission call finally came on Friday! I was expecting it Wednesday, Thursday at the latest and when it hadn't come by then I figured I'd have to wait until next week. 
But nope it came Friday around 4pm. I told everyone I'd wait until 8pm to open it, so that my family could be there. I was the only one in the house for about 3 hours, just me and my letter. I was very tempted to open by my self, I had my finger under the flap of the envelope and asked my friend Lawrence how to reseal it. But I decided I wan't going to be one of those kids that ate their marshmallow as soon as it was given to them...I could wait.
  My sister and I made cake balls that look like globes and we put up a map so everyone could take a guess or two to where I was going.  Finally everyone was there, or skyped in or called in. I am so grateful that I had so many people who wanted to share this with me! So anyway I opened it and I am going to Guatemala!!! No one guess that. My sweet roommate Nalani came the closest with her guess of Nicaragua.  I am really excited. It is going to be a true miracle if I come back speaking Spanish, which all my friends can attest to. I leave August 22, 2012! I am so grateful and excited for this opportunity and for the support of all my friends and family!

Family Time

Another name for Summer Time is Family Time, or at least it is for me!  I love it! 

 I get to got out to breakfast with my Nannie,Sisters, and the 3 cutest kids in the world!

 I get to go hiking in beautiful NC and of course get my daddy to do stuff for me. He'd say he doesn't like it, but he'd be lying.
 We got to climb up and down rocks and behind waterfalls! 

 My cute parents!

 He is too funny, he is always cracking me up!

I am pretty sure this is right after he tried to push me in the water. He really felt I should get my shoes wet! Good thing I am bigger than him!

Andrew and I making cake balls together. We decided to race to see who could tear all their bread the fastest and then got really messy smushing all the ingredients together. Andrew won but he tried to make me feel better by telling me I had won the race of getting my hands washed first. He is a sweetie.

We went to see this with the kids this weekend. I thought it was cute, however I don't know if that is based more on the plot of the movie or if I just like the fact that the main character has hair like me.

Also this week was my beautiful sister Rachel's 20th birthday! Oh my goodness I can hardly believe it! We went to Burger King for lunch, I'm pretty sure the only person on the planet who would choose that as their birthday lunch, but she loves it! It was nice except while there I got into an argument with my 3 year old niece. I was telling Rachel she should open her presents, she asked why. I jokingly explained that the sooner she opened them, the sooner I could borrow and use them. Then Miss Molly turns around and with a bunch of sass looks at me and goes "it is not yo birfday Emily!" I was stunned I've never gone up against Molly before! I had a couple comebacks but she just kept repeating that statement! She's something else and
I have to say I am proud to be that little girl's aunt. Later that night we went to the Melting Pot (where Rachel finally opened her presents). Rach, you are so old now and yet still have the ability to make me act like a 5 year old! I love you Rachel and I am so proud of you!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Looks Like Summer

I have been on summer vacation for almost 2 months now! I can hardly believe it! I have done a lot, just haven't taken any pictures until this weekend. So far this summer I have done lots of  baby sitting/house sitting/nannying, volunteering with the hospital teaching nutrition (which I absolutely love!!!), zumba-ing, reading, and watching Netflix. I have my sister and her boyfriend watching Supernatural! I love it, they are totally hooked! 

Anyways this weekend we hit Krispy Kreme with my sister and her kids! Yum!

 Then on Saturday, we went to a Baseball game. I really enjoy going to ball games in the summer with my friends and family.

 My favorite part was cheering for our team and then my niece would give her delayed yell of excitement 2 seconds later, realizing our team had done something worthy to be cheered for. It occurred to me, this is what I  must sound like to my friends at Football games. 

Also before the game on Saturday my sister Rachel and I went and did some painting. I don't think it's too bad for my first! It was fun and I really enjoyed it.