So I may have not blogged in over 8 months...sorry about that. But I just wanted to let you all know that I have been doing stuff! I will try to give a somewhat brief overview of the fun things I've been up to! (Shown in no particular order)
*Warning: may get a bit mushy at the end

I love the movie Tangled, so lifting floating lanterns in the air has happened for me a couple times this year. My home teachers made this happen for me! I have had the best home teachers this year. They cook with me, do yoga with me, bring me flowers, let me unexpectedly punch them in the gut and of course teach spiritually uplifting messages.

Kenzie and I got to go to our friend's ward prom. It was such a good time complete with dinner, dancing, and snow falling! I love the snow!

On President's Day a group of us decided to go to the hot springs. We had a blast!

So I have the sweetest older sister in the whole wide world! Danielle and the kids sent me a "box of sunshine"! It was filled with everything yellow...yellow nail polish, golden graham gold fish, yellow napkins and slinky and cards from everyone. However my roommates and I got extreme pleasure playing with the noise putty and stress ball that was in the box. Nalani would make the noise putty sound and riotous laughter occurred and Tori and Kenzi repeatedly throwing the ball at the wall trying to hit the same spot over and over again! We love acting like children together!

In October my mom's best friend and her husband flew from Alaska for General Conference and they were sweet enough to invite my roommates and me! We had a great time! I hadn't seen them since I was about seven and I can see why my mom is best friend's with her. They were so funny and nice!

I turned 22 this year! It was my Golden Birthday...I turned 22 on the 22nd! So of course we had a huge golden themed party complete with dancing on table tops, ping pong, and glitter! Oh and do you notice that fabulous golden tutu I'm wearing? Yeah my friend Brooke (seen below) made that for me because I was turning two - two!

This is Brooke!I love her so much! She use to live with me in NC and here in UT with me as well, then she moved to Alaska! But she came back down for a visit and I got to see her!

Brad may have cut this apple in half with just his hand. He karate chopped it right up!

So Tornado and I took a couple of our friends for a picnic in the canyon and then did some face painting. We are all regular Picassos.

We went to Sundance again this year! It was so cold! I couldn't feel my toes! But Tori and I climbed beautifully through that snow....I'm like a mountain goat! We saw this movie about this creepy old man who pretended to be a 14 year old boy and actually convinced everyone that he was this kid. After the film we went to a restaurant called Silver. The manager looked like Robert Pattinson. At one point during dinner Mattison and I held each other's hands and looked lovingly at one another....Tornado caught us. It was hilarious and what made it even better is that Jake didn't know what we were all laughing about. It drove him now you know Jake.

The Colors happened again this year! Again there was dancing, throwing of chalk, llamas, and so much more. However this year there may have been an incident in which Tori and I hid Jake's keys above his tire because we needed to leave before him but our stuff was in his car. So after that we went to Tucano's (oh how I love Tucano's!) to celebrate our friend getting an internship. Well while there I get a call from Jakey. He couldn't find his keys and neither him or Mattison had their phones so they had to hitch hike home. Apparently they had quite the adventure. Later that night Mattison, Lawrence, and I went back to get Jake's car. I felt like I was in a war zone. all three of us were clean and the chances of us getting re-chalked was very great. We got in and out of there as quick as we could! After the festival I came home to an impromptu party thrown by my roommate. I had lots of homework so I went downstairs with Jake and Lawrence and watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 days....those boys absolutely loved it. It was great watching them crack up at it!
After that we played a game to see how good of friends we were... I am the best at knowing Tornado, but sadly I seem to know nothing about Jake Page. oops!

Of course we had chicken picata on MLK Day!

We had our annual Thanksgiving feast with our friends!

Us at the hot spring fields!

So after Sundance I was kidnapped by my friend, Lawrence. He took me back to his and Brad's place where I was informed that Brad was going to propose to Brooke! It was so exciting! We planned a scavenger hunt , set off floating lanterns and then went and celebrated at Spark. I'm so grateful they let me be apart of their special day!

Did some service projects with friends. Our friend Taylor spent 20 minutes trying to convince all of us to buy this couch...he failed.

We had a ward activity were we went to Temple Square. We watched the Joseph Smith movie and got to see everything all lit up! Aren't my roommates and I attractive?

Some sporting events were attended this year....or at least partially. Mattison and I may have left this game earlier for food. We can only take so many hours of the football at one time. After this Mattison may have discovered this wonderful tree that made a sort of shelter. So what did we do? We told Tornado and Jake to climb in and they did! We sat there and waited for them to kiss! They didn't....not until the Color Festival! We just had to be patient! It was glorious, Mattison and I waited for this for a real long time!

Yes I did some pumpkin carving, I'm well experienced but apparently my dear Lawrence had never really done this before. So we decided to do one together. Aren't we cute?
You've heard me talk about Lawrence a couple times now, so let me properly introduce him. This is Lawrence, he is Brad's roommate. Lawrence may have been in my ward freshman year but he refused to be my friend. I guess I wasn't cool enough for him. But he finally saw the light once he got back from his mission and now we are real good friends! I adore this boy, he is real sweet. He has been a highlight of this year for my roommates and me.

Lastly, a majority of my life is spent with these girls. I love them very much! They are my family away from home. I have been with Tori and Nalani for years now and I just got Kenzi this year. I am very grateful for them in my life. Kenzi is so outgoing and such a good cook. she is always up for a good time. I'm excited to be living with her again next year! Nalani is so kind hearted and loving. Nalani is my shoulder to cry on, the person to laugh at stupid things with in a stupid sounding laugh, and one of the best people I know. Tori is one of my best friends. She is a deep thinker and a great conversationalist. She is my sweet room roommate, the one who I tell late night secrets to, and ask advice from. Nalani and Tori are going on missions. I am going to miss them very much but I am so incredibly proud of them. So in conclusion they are wonderful people who I love and I've learned so much from!
Sorry for such the long blog. I did a lot this year, much more than shown here! It's been a good year! Here is looking forward to next year!